Abbreviations and Acronyms
1. Initial Letter Abbreviations
We can make abbreviations from the first letters of many words, mostly with organization names.
Abbreviation Rules for details.
Some Abbreviations
ABEDA | Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa |
ACC | Arab Cooperation Council |
ACCT | Agency for the French-Speaking Community |
ACP Group | African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States |
AfDB | African Development Bank |
AFESD | Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development |
CEI | Central European Initiative |
CEMA | Council for Mutual Economic Assistance; also known as CMEA or Comecon |
CEPGL | Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries |
CERN | European Organization for Nuclear Research |
CIA | Central Intelligence Agency |
c.i.f. | cost, insurance, and freight |
EU | European Union |
Euratom | European Atomic Energy Community |
Eutelsat | European Telecommunications Satellite Organization |
Ex-Im | Export-Import Bank of the United States |
FBI | Federal Bureau of Investigation |
IBEC | International Bank for Economic Cooperation |
IBRD | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) |
OAS | Organization of American States |
OAU | Organization of African Unity |
UNESCO | United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization |
When we need to use an article (a / an or the) we should pay attention to the pronunciation of the first letter of the abbreviation.
A Us citizen
An EU website
The UK
2. Acronyms
Some abbreviated letters that are pronounced like words are called acronyms.
For example:
- The company name is called IKEA; it is read like any other word. It is never spelled out letter by letter: I - K- E- A.
ESL means English as a second language. - It is mostly used in American English.
- EFL means English as a foreign language. - It is mostly used in British English.
- ASAP (or A.S.A.P.) stands for "as soon as possible". We you use this abbreviation when we want someone to do something quickly: "Send me the report ASAP."
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