ESL Readings 80

K12 Reading Comprehension articles for elementary level teachers.

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Emperor Penguin Facts

The Emperor Penguin is a penguin that lives in Antarctica. It is the tallest and heaviest of all penguin species. Emperor Penguins are black and white like all penguins but the sides of their neck are golden. Emperors live in the coldest climate on earth. They breed at the beginning of the Antarctic winter (March and April), on the ice all around the Antarctic continent. The shape of their body helps them to survive. They have short wings that help them dive up to 900 feet to catch larger fish. They can swim up to 12 miles per hour for a short time, which lets them escape from their main enemy, the Leopard Seal. They can stay warm because they have a thick layer of blubber. In addition, the layer of soft feathers trap air that keeps the body heat in and cold air and water out.

1. It can be understood from the passage that the physical features of the Emperor Penguins ----.

A) are quite similar to those of the Leopard Seal
B) should be examined more closely by the scientists
C) let them stay alive in one of the harshest climatic conditions of the world
D) make them by far the strongest of the animals living in Antarctica
E) are believed not to have changed a lot throughout time

2. One can understand from the passage that Emperor Penguins ----.

A) spend most of their time swimming under the water
B) present certain differences from other penguin species
C) are killed by humans due to their spectacular feathers
D) can hardly ever catch larger fish
E) are known to feed on the Leopard Seal

3. It is emphasized in the passage that Emperor Penguins ---- as they have a thick layer of blubber and a layer of soft feathers.

A) can swim long distances to catch prey
B) are easy to see any time of the day
C) are not affected negatively by the cold weather
D) can stay out of the water for a long time
E) are hunted frequently by people

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