ESL/EFL Readings 64
Answer the questions according to the article.
Stratosphere Layer Of Atmosphere
The stratosphere is a layer of the earth's atmosphere. It
lies above the troposphere. It begins 10 miles above
the equator and 6 miles above the earth's polar
regions. Little moisture enters the stratosphere, so
clouds are rare. Even though the stratosphere has
complex wind systems, violent storms don't occur
there. That's why airline pilots prefer to fly in the
stratosphere. Temperatures increase with altitude in the
stratosphere. The lower layer has a temperature of 28
degrees Fahrenheit. The upper layer has a temperature
of about -67 degrees Fahrenheit. The upper part of the
stratosphere is called the stratopause. The stratopause
lies 30 miles above the earth's surface. The
stratopause contains most of the atmosphere's ozone
which shields humans and other living things from
ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
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