K12 Reading Comprehension 76/77
Answer the questions according to the reading passages.
Article 1 - Blue Jeans
Blue jeans are casual pants noted far their strength and
comfort. Blue jeans in the form we know them today
didn't come about until the middle of the nineteenth
century. Levi Strauss, an enterprising immigrant who
happened to have a few bolts of blue denim cloth on
hand, recognized a need for strong work pants in the
mining communities of California. He first designed and
marketed "Levi's" in 1850 and there have been only
minor alterations to the original design since then. Blue
jeans started becoming popular among young people in
the 1950s. In the year 1957, 150 million pairs were sold
worldwide. This growing trend continued until 1981.
Although blue jeans have remained basically the same
since they were first designed, they have always been
versatile enough to meet market demands.
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