A group of researchers has demonstrated that pleasure
and positive states of mind are better for our health.
This new intellectual approach to health is not only
more powerful, but also has no side effects. Central to
this claim are recent findings that even getting an
education may add as much as 10 years to your
health. That is why National Geographic featured John
de Rosen in its book The Incredible Machine, which
discussed old age. De Rosen, an artist, continued to
paint until the week he died at age 91. The book notes:
"Same scientists believe that retirement to a sedentary
lifestyle initiates or aggravates medical problems, thus
shortening life. According to a study of retired people,
adults over 65 can learn a creative skill, like oil
painting, as readily as younger students." So retiring
from a job in a sense means retiring from life unless
supplemented by some other, preferably new activity.