Modal Verbs Exercises

Complete the following exercise with past modal verbs. Use the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Choose between affirmative and negative.

1. I got a C on my math test. I (should / do) better

than that.

2-3. Don't be so hard on yourself. It (may / be) your

fault. It just (could / be) a more difficult test

than usual.

4-5. No, it (could / be) that difficult. The rest of the

class did pretty well. I (should / study) harder.

6-7. What you (could / do) differently?

8. Well, for one thing, I (should / miss) that day of


You missed a day? Did you get the notes?

9-10. No, I (ought to / copy) them. Some of the problems

which I got wrong (must / come) from that day.

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