Paragraph Completion 3 - Nature

For these exercises, complete the paragraphs with the most appropriate sentences so that the paragraph flow is not broken.

Paragraph Completion Exercises:

1 Paragraph Completion Exercises 1
2. Animals Paragraphs
3. Nature Paragraphs
4. Food and Food Hygiene
5. Electronics Paragraphs
6. General Human Health
7. Fitness and Exercising
8. History - Story Completion
9. Man's Best Friend - Dogs
10. Biology Readings
Choose the best option to go with the paragraph flow to complete the exercises.

1. Squirrels

Squirrels live mostly in the forests of Europe and north America. ----. That is the size of two of your hands. Behind them and often suspended over their backs are their tails, wide, upright and furry, and almost the same size as their length. Thanks to this long tail, a squirrel can jump from one tree to another without losing its balance.

A) It can readily run along branches
B) They are about 25 centimeters long
C) It's an interesting method of communication
D) Some squirrel species can also fly
E) Sleeping is a great threat to squirrels

2. Atlantis Island

Atlantis is an island whose existence and location have never been confirmed. The first references to Atlantis are from the classical Greek philosopher Plato, who said it was engulfed by the ocean as the result of an earthquake 9,000 years before his own time. ----. They also added that Plato made up the story using elements that may have been drawn from real events.

A) Plato described Atlantis as an ideal state, and the name is considered
        synonymous with Utopia
B) Plato's accounts of Atlantis are in his works Timaeus and Critias and
        these philosophical dialogues are the earliest known references to
C) The legend of Atlantis is frequently featured in many books, movies,
        television series, and other creative works
D) While there are many hypotheses about Atlantis, the vast majority of
        scientists conclude that Atlantis never existed
E) According to the legend, an island called Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean
        was swallowed by an earthquake

3. Tsunami

----. However, the most common cause is an undersea earthquake. An earthquake which is too small to create a tsunami by itself may trigger an undersea landslide quite capable of generating a tsunami.

A) Tsunamis have been historically referred to as tidal waves because as
        they approach land, they take on the characteristics of a violent
        onrushing tide
B) Since tsunamis aren't actually related to tides, the term is considered
C) The term tsunami comes from the Japanese language meaning "harbor'
        and "wave"
D) A tsunami can travel hundreds of miles over the open sea and cause
        extensive damage when it encounters land
E) A tsunami can be generated by any disturbance that rapidly moves a
        large mass of water such as volcanic eruption

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