Short ESL Reading 10

Short Reading Comprehension Worksheets 10 - Ultralight Airplane

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Answer the questions according to the reading passage.

Ultralight Airplanes

An ultralight airplane is very different from a conventional airplane. It looks like a lawn chair with wings, weighs no more than 254 pounds, flies up to 60 miles an hour, and carries about 5 gallons of fuel. Most ultralights are sold as kits and take about 40 hours to assemble. Flying an ultralight airplane is so easy that a pilot with no experience can fly one. Accidents are rarely fatal or even serious because the ultralight lands so slowly and gently and carries very little fuel. Some models now have parachutes attached, while others have parachute packs which pilots can wear.

1. According to the passage, pilots ----.

A) prefer to fly with ultralights rather than with regular aircraft
B) can weigh up to 250 pounds, depending on the model of the ultralight
C) don't think that their ultralight airplanes are simple to use
D) are reluctant to put their ultralights together
E) don't need a special training to fly an ultralight airplane

2. We learn from the passage that an ultralight airplane ----.

A) provides the only opportunity to fly affordably
B) doesn't fly very well if it weighs less than 254 pounds
C) is inexpensive but difficult to fly
D) can be put together in a short time
E) is only permitted to be used for private recreational flying

3. It is pointed out in the reading that ----.

A) there is more risk involved in flying ultralight aeroplanes than in flying
        general aviation aircraft
B) ultralight airplanes can remain airborne for more than an hour
C) the risk of injury to a passenger in an ultralight airplane is very low
D) the gear an ultralight airplane carries can be more fragile than
        traditional equipment
E) people who fly 'ultralights don't need a license

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