So Too Neither Either Exercise Drag and Drop 1

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Jason passed all his exams, ---- did I.
My brother works as a teacher ---- does his wife.
My bag wasn’t at school ---- was it at home.
Sandra doesn’t enjoy watching football, Emma doesn’t like it ---- .
If you want to come out with us ---- , you need to finish your homework.
Nobody was eager to take part, ---- was I.
Children spend a lot of time with computers, their parents do so ---- .
They couldn’t hand in their project on time, I couldn’t ---- .
Daniel was jealous of his brother, ---- was I.
I stayed at home all day long, my brother stayed with me ---- .
Don’t give me this stare, I am sure you wouldn’t be able to do it ---- .
Nobody is perfect, ---- are you.

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