Subject Verb Agreement

A singular subject must always be matched with a singular verb, and a plural subject must always be matched with a plural verb. See details below for subject verb agreement rules with examples.

The verb is affected only when in PRESENT tense, for the THIRD person.

Subject Lessons:
Subject Verb Agreement - Subject-Verb Agreement Video Exercise 1

Subject Exercises:
Subject Verb Agreement Exercise - Subject-Verb Agreement Video Exercise 1
Subject Verb Agreement Exercise 2

PDF Exercises:
Subject Verb Agreement PDF

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Tense Agreement
Verb Tenses Chart

Try the Subject Video Exercise

Subject (noun)Verb (action)
Singularhe / she / itlearns

Base Form of Verb: learn , walk , like , have (irregular), do

Simple Present Singular
First Person:Ilikehavedo
Second Personyoulikehavedo
Third Personhe / she / itlikeshasdoes

Simple Present Plural
First Personwelikehavedo
Second Personyoulikehavedo
Third Persontheylikehavedo

In general, when the subject is singular, use the -s form of the verb.

He walks
She sleeps
It jumps

In general, when the subject is plural, use the base form of the verb.

They walk
They sleep
They jump

Watch out for irregular forms, for which the -s rule does not apply.

He studies
She has
It does
He catches
It flies

Also See:

Tense Agreement
Verb Tenses Chart

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