Test Taking Strategies
Keep track of your grades on all tests and assignments: If you are having difficulty in class, do something about it as soon as possible; meet with the teacher, ask for help in study group, ask your teacher about getting a tutor.
Also See:Tips For Essay TestsIn-Class Writing Exams During Tests you Should NOT:
• talk to other students for any reason, even if the other student talks first
• Look around the classroom
• Look at another student's paper, even just to check an answer
• Go into your backpack or book bag
• Look at any notes or materials unless the teacher has said it is OK to do so
• Leave the room for any reason, even to go to the restroom
Before / During tests you Should:
• Go to the restroom before you come to class
• Take out all the materials you will need (paper, pens, pencils, Kleenex, white-out, erasers, etc.) before the test begins
• Put your name on the test paper as soon as you receive it
• Read all the directions for the test very carefully when you first receive it, before you start answering any questions
• Ask only the instructor if you have any questions about the test
• Keep you eyes on your own paper
• Do your own work (entirely by yourself)
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