Use of However
However As a Transition Word
We can use "however" positioned between two simple sentences to make a compound sentence in a similar way to "nevertheless, nonetheless, yet, still, notwithstanding".
See its different usages and pay attention to the punctuation.
1. The scientist claimed that the vaccine was safe; however, they were still hesitant to use it on human.
2. The scientist claimed that the vaccine was safe, however, they were still hesitant to use it on human.
3. The scientist claimed that the vaccine was safe. However, they were still hesitant to use it on human.
4. The scientist claimed that the vaccine was safe. They were still hesitant to use it on human, however.
However As a Subordinating Clause
We can use "however" as a subordinator as long as followed by an adjective or an adverb.
For Example:
However beautiful she is, I will never marry her.
However carefully you drive, you should never speed.
In the sentences above "however" has a meaning similar to other contrast subordinators such as "although, though, even though" but you need to change the order.
Though she is beautiful, I will never marry her.
Although you drive carefully, you should never speed.
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